Thursday, January 17, 2008

Haiku Appreciation Is a Lost Art

Lately I've been obsessing over Pacific Overtures. I've the three studio-produced cast albums. I've got both published versions of the script. What I don't got is the video of the original Broadway production that was made for Japanese television, but never shown in the US. Now, I know a lot of collectors and I figure one of them has to have it and may be willing to make a copy for me. Here's how I posted my request:

The show-loving man
Having no film of his own
Asks the internet

When was the last time you saw someone post a request online for anything as a haiku?

See, Pacific Overtures is about Japan and the song "Welcome to Kanagawa" contains the following:

The nest-building bird
Seeing the tree without twigs,
Looks for new forests.

Several people responded to my post with suggestions, etc. as to how I can obtain this video. But not one single person commented on my haiku!

What the hell?

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