Thursday, July 3, 2008

Vitamin V

About a year or so ago, I started having tremendous headaches. (not migraines). I went to a doctor. he gave me Vicodin.

In February, I slipped and hit my head (I have no idea if I ever blogged about that) and my doctor gave me more Vicodin. I filled the prescription, but didn't really touch it, since I had some left over from before.

Yesterday and today the headaches have been back. I went to my stash and now I am off my ass.

Not much of an update, but who the fuck cares?

Showtunes of the Day:

Kurt Weill Revisted. (Just listened to Ann Miller sing and tap "Moon-Faced, Starry-Eyed")

(courtesy: Greg)


Anonymous said...

I totally thought this was going to be about a different Vitamin V. Which would have been a serious WTF but also an excellent source of teasing.

Rodolfo said...

I assume you mean vagina, as it's the only v word I can think of that would be a serious wtf. But. y'know, the Vicodin...

blogblogblog said...

Glad I could be of service, John. Lots more where these came from.

Listen in good health, my friend.