Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Very Short Reviews: United 93 and Babel

United 93 (2006, Paul Greengrass): 7.5/10
Everything that takes place on the ground works, effectively conveying the confusion, disbelief and horror of the events of that day. The scenes on the plane are less effective. It turns out Greengrass's version of what probably happened is what everyone else assumes probably happened.

Babel (2006, Alejandro González Iñárritu): 8/10
Babel has a lesson: Even though we may speak different languages, we're all still human beings. Also, don't shoot at cars. Cate Blanchett is as good as ever, but the film belongs to Adriana Barraza and Rinko Kikuchi. Brad Pitt plays the same Average-Joe-stuck-in-an-extraordinary-situation character he played in Se7en. He's better this time, but that's not saying a whole heckuva lot.

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